They could have easily gone to Firene or seen more of Elusia or even Lythos now that the war was over and the places they'd once battled were safe and calm and rebuilt. But the moment Fogado heard the words "worlds outside Elyos," he knew he had to check them out. And who better than to check them out with than the fellow kid-brother Prince who'd stolen his heart?

"I still can't believe I'm doing this," Alcryst murmured. "Or that Mother and Diamant were okay with it." Actually, Prince Diamant had insisted Alcryst take this opportunity, Fogado remembered. You've worked your fingers to the bone on my account, you deserve a little time off. Go, spend time with your boyfriend, Amber and Jade will take good care of me.

It still tickled Fogado to hear Prince Diamant call him Alcryst's boyfriend. Deep down he'd figured such a nice guy would accept someone like him being with his little brother, but he still remembered his stomach filled with butterflies when Alcryst told his family about them, wondering if Brodians would accept an overly laid-back guy like him even if he was a Prince.

"Well, believe it, Alcryst," he said. "We're halfway to the border of Seres!"

"Seres..." Alcryst said the name slowly, as if testing it, rolling it in his mouth. "So far all we know about them is that they're home to a lot of writers, and their climate makes them the best place to grow grains. I wonder what kind of books the people write?"

"We'll find out when we get there." Fogado grinned. "And we'll get to taste a whole different variety of foods!" He'd have to write home to Bunet about it, and he could already picture Alcryst writing to Jade about whatever style of comedy was popular among the writers. Or if they even wrote comedy at all.

"And hear their music, and learn their history, and maybe...maybe go to a few parties? If they're common there."

"If they're not, we can have our own," Fogado said. "It's so exciting, going into a place we know so little about." Alcryst tensed.

"Right...we don't know anything about the people. We'll have to mind our manners and try not to make a bad first impression." Typical Alcryst. Being on the road had helped relax him, he'd certainly dropped the I can't believe you want to travel with me and I'm not worthy demeanor, but he was still a worrywart in some ways.

"The day you make a bad first impression is the day my sister goes vegetarian," Fogado laughed. "Trust me, they'll adore you at first sight. How could anyone not?"

"You're biased." Alcryst smiled, walking a little closer. It was late, Fogado's mount had needed a break, and they were leading him slowly along the road so he could stretch his legs without the added weight of two riders.

"And for good reason." Fogado wrapped an arm around him, sneaking a kiss to the top of his head. Alcryst blushed, leaning against him.

"I could say the same about you. That anyone who meets you is bound to adore you sooner or later," he murmured. "I certainly do." He tilted his head upwards, briefly bringing their lips together. Fogado's mount whinnied. "Oh, maybe he's hungry."

"We should take a break, too. There's an inn right off the side of the road, let's get some grub."

The view from their room that night was fantastic, they could just barely make out Elyos's highest points in the distance.

Most people would be a little scared being so far from home, but Fogado was with Alcryst.

No one could feel scared when they were with Alcryst.

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